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Sheltered Life
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Sheltered Life
"A sheltered life by my side they're protected and kept away from any harm and me with them, I keep away from things which could upset me"
For me, "protection" is the word that defines this work, which gives real meaning to this image. When the first litter of hamsters was born, it happened that the male came, killed and ate three of them the same night, almost without me being able to realize. Little ones were just skin, as big as my thumb.
After, thanks to a desire not to let things go the same way... the second litter of hamsters was born, eight beautiful ones (those of the image). Just at birth, I separated the male from the female (he kills them to keep in heat the female all the time), and I supervised everything to be fine, I saw every day as they sucked, it was really tender. Daily I've arranged the nest, gave food to the mother to produce more milk: some cheese, walnuts ... grapes. In the end, they have come forward. This wicker basket with them playing around will remain in memory for years to come. A pleasant memory ... and a desire for protection and shelter.
If our wishes were always as good as this one was ... all will go fine.
I hope you like it. Kindest regards. Does anyone want some of them?...
P.S. Don't know what I'm going to do with so many hamsters now :)
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