Welcome! Like an open window to the Art world! かんげい !
Total number of hits on all images: 3,496,659
- Artwork 2015
- (55 images)
- Hits: 553,417
Hello everybody!, I invite you to take a look at all my artworks in 2015.
They're full of fantasy, dreams, hopes, feelings, pain, memories ... there's a bit of everything in them, where everyone can see or read her/his own story.
In general, there's a major difference between lighted and dark areas. It can also be said that a broader color palette opens to viewers and brightness just is born shyly. Unmistakable symbol of inevitable evolution in creation.
Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation.
I hope you like it!, because "Each image is a little piece of me"Kindest regards. Laura
- Artwork 2014
- (31 images)
- Hits: 294,425
In this gallery, you'll find my artworks in 2014.
They're usually conceived in dark colors, dominating a certain obscurity and taste for wrapping all feelings, messages... in a hidden atmosphere with low lights.
Even now, in present days, I'm fond of dark lights and feel attracted by obscurity.
Here you'll find a presentation of photographic slides, on a transparent base, viewed sequentially.
Hope you'll enjoy these artworks.Thanks for your attention, hugs. Laura
- Early Works II
- (44 images)
- Hits: 448,885
Hi, there are many artists who forget their early works or constantly they're changing them. I will not modify anything in any of my early artworks, I want them to always remain as I perceived the compositions in those days.
To me, they are full of memories.See you! Laura
- Early Works I
- (21 images)
- Hits: 137,136
Here they are... some of my Early Works. Technique was not as developed as today, but I never lacked imagination and every idea was a reason for finally shaping something in a nice and beautifully artistic way.
Hugs!, Laura.
- Photo Sessions
- (11 images)
- Hits: 95,878
Hello, I often have many negatives from photo sessions that I do not use to represent, extol or experiment with any particular idea for an artwork.
I'd like to upload some of these negatives in this gallery, so that they do not remain forgotten in any computer folders and somehow they can also get out to the public.
All or most of them will be presented with my personal style, with which I see and perceive photography, in general.
I hope you'd pay a visit to them. A kiss!.

Total number of hits on all images: 3,496,659